Wednesday thoughts and some present and past-tense verbs from the past few days...

-- Woke up to snow on the ground (not a lot, but still, it's almost the end of April).
-- Tried to walk Wrigley this morning but between the cold AF temperature and the godforsaken wind, we only made it about 8 minutes. Went out again closer to lunchtime and made it closer to 20 minutes, and did the hill behind the house.
-- Horrified at the people in Raleigh (among other places) protesting the stay-at-home orders, and very glad we don't live there anymore.
-- Recommending this Change Your Life Chicken Shawarma from the Lazy Genius. Also a huge fan of the CYL "regular" chicken which I've made a couple of times before and brought me to the realization that I basically love roasted vegetables charred almost beyond recognition. Anyone else? We did the Shawarma with the roasted option on the recipe page, threw some bell pepper chunks into the marinade right before we put it on the pan, and served it over some rice. Winner winner chicken dinner. We only marinated it for about an hour since it was kind of last-minute, but the flavor was delicious nonetheless.
-- Needing to order a bunch of stuff for the house (a desk, desk chair, hooks, CURTAINS, and a million other things), but I need to prioritize them in some kind of logical order.

-- Learning that it's not advisable to plant anything here until after Memorial Day. I am itching to put up hanging plants and brighten up the outside of the house, but it's still freezing too much. Bob started digging and outlining where the raised garden beds will go, at least a few to get started this season, and the soil came last week. It's a lot of work but at least we can do it in phases (and by "we" I mean mostly him :D ).
-- Watching season 3 of Westworld. Losing interest. Season 1 was good but it just lost me after that... it's mostly Bob watching and me doing other stuff. Aaron Paul is always a nice addition, I'm just finding I really don't care what happens. Just finished seasons 2 and 3 of Ozark and, while some dark shit, I enjoyed it a lot more.
-- Reading The Institute by Stephen King (speaking of some dark shit). Started my SUYB April post yesterday so I won't have to do it at the last minute.
-- Sewing my Swoon Sixteen that I got as a kit on sale something like 5 years ago and I am just now starting. I found the packing slip in the kit and it was 3 houses ago, one that we rented in Morrisville, NC. Screwed up the first block (on the piecing), set it aside, started and finished a second block, now on to the third.

-- Loving the feature on the Overdrive app (where I get library ebooks from) that now allows you to postpone a held book. So if a book comes in and you know you won't have time to read it right now, or 4 books come in all at once, which frequently happens, you can push them back to be delivered in 7 days, 14 days, I think maybe up to 60 days? I'm sure I lost track of countless books I wanted to read because they came in, I couldn't read them right then, and then forgot all about them.
Exercise - walking Wrigley. We walked a total of about 40 minutes today, but with the wind it felt like twice that long. Does looking at weight sets on Amazon count?
Peace out, Wednesday.
Edited to add: tonight's sunset, because after a cold, windy, gray day, sunset decided to show off and I was here for every minute of it.
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