... and some February reads too since I was a slacker and didn't post anything for February. I could blame it on the short month, but really I just didn't get my act together in time. So, on to the books...

Faithless (Grant County #5) - by Karin Slaughter -- Crazy family. Religious zealots. Another psycho who needs to be caught. It wasn't one I couldn't put down, but it was a solid mystery / thriller.
3 out of 5
3 out of 5

Beyond Reach (Grant County #6) - by Karin Slaughter -- the last book in the Grant County series. Since I read the Will Trent series before the Grant County series, I knew a major plot point regarding the ending ahead of time. Even with that, I think it might have been my favorite book in the series. The pacing was great and I loved the back and forth with the time frame between what was going on with Jeffrey and Sara's side of the story, and what was happening with Lena. If you've read the series, there's a bonus chapter online that flashes back to Sara and Jeffrey first meeting one another. It's short but I enjoyed it. You can find it here.
Black-Eyed Susans - by Julia Heaberlin -- Decent thriller, I enjoyed the alternative chapters between Tessa in the present and Tessie in the past. Someone, on Goodreads I think, asked if it was going to totally freak her out and keep her awake, and someone commented that it wasn't that creepy, they actually wished it had been creepier. I totally agree.
4 out of 5
The Silent Wife - by A.S.A. Harrison -- Passed the time okay, didn't really care for either of the main characters, but the alternating voices kept it moving along. You know from the book summary that she's going to kill her husband, so it's really just a matter of seeing how that unfolds and plays out. With a little twist.
The Light Between Oceans - by M.L. Stedman -- The best book I've read in the past couple of months. I didn't know anything about it going in other than everyone and their mother has read it, and now I know why. I loved everything about it and couldn't put it down. After I finished it I discovered it's soon to be a movie with Michael Fassbender as Tom. I'm okay with pretty much whatever he does because, hello, Michael Fassbender.
Have kleenex handy for the end.
5 out of 5
The Surgeon - by Tess Gerritsen -- Since I've torn through all the Karin Slaughter books since starting them last fall, I thought this might be a suitable replacement series. I'll have to read more to know for sure. It's labeled a "Rizzoli and Isles" thriller, referring to the TV show, although I'm not quite sure how that works since Rizzoli wasn't in the book that much and there was no Isles at all. Overall it was a decent medical thriller that I thought got better as it went along. I'll read at least one more in the series.
3.5 out of 5
I've started and not finished at least four other books. A lot of other stuff has been going on so it's been hard for things to hold my attention. Some of the books, like Hidden Bodies and The Pearl that Broke its Shell, I'll come back to and finish at some point. Others, like The Taming of the Queen, I probably won't.
Currently reading Circling the Sun after a strong recommendation from my mom, and really enjoying it. We have very similar taste in books. So similar, in fact, that I told her to read The Pearl that Broke its Shell after only reading the first few chapters. She emailed me a week or so later after she finished it and recommended that I read it, LOL. Like me, she gets a lot of recommendations from different places and doesn't always remember where they come from :D